Self Defense Lawyer in Athens, Georgia

(706) 543-0002 706 543 0002
Winning self defense starts well before involving a lawyer but if you need a need the right lawyer!

Mo Wiltshire is a Top Rated Georgia Self Defense Lawyer - (706) 543-0002
If you are charged with a violent crime or under investigation for an act of self defense. You cannot simply trust that the government will do what is right. Self defense cases are some of the most complex cases in our legal system and if you find yourself facing a possible self defense case in the state of Georgia, then you’ll want a highly qualified Georgia self defense attorney on your side. Your going to want an attorney with a demonstrated commitment to the concept of lawful self defense, with actual training and experience in the art and science of self defense and one who believes in citizens natural and legal right to protect themselves and their family.
In the Southeastern United States (GA, FL, MS, LA, TN, AL, SC, NC, VA), under 5% of practicing attorneys hold the top rating in even a single area of practice. In the State of Georgia, less than 1% of all attorneys are top rated “Superb” earning the top score of “10.0” in three or more categories of practice simultaneously. Mo Wiltshire is one of these very few highly rated attorneys.
Mo Wiltshire has been formally recognized by numerous additional national organizations for outstanding achievement and overall excellence as a trial attorney and advocate for his clients. He has earned his reputation as one of the very best trial attorneys in the State.
Self Defense Lawyer in Athens, Georgia
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Self Defense Lawyer in Athens, Ga
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Mo Wiltshire is a full supporter of concealed carry for defense, a life long hunter and shooter, a Life Member of the NRA and a committed advocate for self defense rights in Georgia and around the U.S.A.
Sometimes our Government gets it totally wrong. Sadly in too many cases involving self defense and 2nd Amendment freedoms, the victim becomes the accused and justice is turned upside down. Mo Wiltshire fights for the rights of citizens who are compelled, in the gravest extreme, to use force to defend themselves and their loved ones. 

These cases always involve potentially devastating consequences and require serious help from a lawyer with the background, skill, dedication and commitment to your cause. Whether it is a criminal investigation or, almost as bad, you find yourself the target of a greedy lawsuit you need a lawyer who has been there and done that at a very high level. You need an attorney who understands how guns work and who supports firearms rights … who loves liberty, and will not waiver when seeking justice for you and your family.

Mo Wiltshire is an Affiliated Attorney of the Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network. This group has as it's mission the preparation, education and legal defense of Network members who defend themselves and their families, then face unmeritorious prosecution by the criminal justice system. Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network members have joined, not because they expect to use deadly force in self defense, but because they are well aware of the abuses the legal system can enact against the innocent man or women forced to defend self or family. Click the banner below to learn more.
Self Defense Lawyer in Athens, Georgia
“Morris Wiltshire is an outstanding trial lawyer. I have watched him in court on numerous occasions … I watched him win a murder trial several years ago that no one else thought was winnable. He is definitely the “go to” lawyer in Athens for serious criminal cases.” 

~Page Pate, CNN Commentator
“Mr. Wiltshire and I did battle when I was a prosecutor. He was a worthy adversary ....”

~Mark Post,
former Assistant District Attorney,
Columbus, GA
  • homicide charges
  • domestic assault / domestic violence
  • “gun violence”
  • assault & battery cases
  • aggravated assault charges
  • felonious assault
  • assault with intent to commit bodily harm
  • firearms possession charges
We represent clients, from all walks of life, charged by the government with major felony offenses. Serious charges demand a serious response from attorneys who have the background and talent to aggressively represent your interests. Violent crimes, from assault to manslaughter to murder, carry some of the most significant penalties in the entirety of Georgia’s criminal justice system.
If you have been accused of a violent crime, you are likely to be facing a very substantial prison sentence, the loss of your job, and a damaging permanent felony criminal record. If you have been accused of assaulting someone with a deadly weapon or causing serious bodily injury, you could well be facing grave felony criminal penalties. At Wiltshire Defense, we will explore all the options for helping you avoid these severe consequences.

You owe it to yourself and your family to schedule a free consultation with Georgia Self Defense Lawyer Mo Wiltshire if the government has charged you or if there is an investigation involving you or your family members. Please understand that your rights to remain silent and seek counsel were enshrined in our law by the founding fathers to protect you and citizens just like you from the government.
One of the very best ways to be sure you are able to win the fight if a self defense event is forced upon you is to seek out and obtain proper training from qualified people you can trust. Build the skills you need to lawfully protect yourself and your family before you are compelled to act. Truly an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

In the Atlanta, Athens and Northeast Georgia areas Mo Wiltshire recommends training with: 
Brian Hill of The Complete Combatant for multi-discipline self defense training especially empty hand techniques to complement all your other training and skills. He has over 30 years experience in training and instructional combative firearm techniques and Martial Arts. Brian's approach ... "From the first sign of danger, to dealing with the legal system in the aftermath, you need to consider all the different aspects of personal protection." Brian teaches that "Proper strategy, escalation of force and employment of tools…is one complete subject. Using position, terrain, firearm skills and what is available to you, will help you to fight back more effectively. Being creative and adapting could save you or a loved one."  

Lee Weems of First Person Safety for handgun and shotgun training. " classes are for armed citizens and peace officers who simply want to improve their skills without a lot of hoopla for hoopla’s sake or tied to certain dogma from which the student can’t separate from technique. I want my outlook and, quite frankly, my limitations to be put forward in an upfront and direct manner in hopes that a prospective customer can make an informed decision as to whether or not to expend their time, money, and ammunition on my product." Lee has been a Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council (POST) certified peace officer since 1999 having been sworn at the local, state, and federal levels and has served as a patrolman, field training officer, detective, supervisor, and currently as Chief Deputy. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Georgia Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (GALEFI). 

Clark Sparrow of Sparrow Defense For handgun and carbine/rifle training "Dangerous situations can often be avoided through awareness of your surroundings and making intelligent decisions that deter criminals. However, there are times when prevention strategies fail and you will need to defend yourself. On that day, your level of training and preparation will dictate how effectively you act."

Mo Wiltshire has trained with all these folks and knows them personally, their credentials, and their professionalism. These are vetted experts in the fields of firearms training, empty hand techniques, and related self defense disciplines as well as conflict avoidance and personal safety. 
Florida led the way by passing the first modern "stand your ground" law in 2005. Georgia followed in 2006. Currently, about 23 states have similar laws and several others are considering them. In the wake of the George Zimmerman/Travon Martin case, however, many people wonder about such laws. It is vital to note that in the Zimmerman/Martin case the Florida Stand Your Ground Statute was not used as a defense.
Georgia's law is similar to that of Florida. Georgia Code Annotated 16-3-23-1 states that a person using force in self-defense has "no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground." The key is that the person's use of force must be in self defense. 
Can an armed civilian initiate a conflict with the intent of assaulting someone else, then use the law to escape prosecution? Certainly not. Georgia law provides that "a person is not justified in using force if he initially provokes the use of force against himself with the intent to use such force as an excuse to inflict bodily harm upon the assailant."
What our Georgia law protects is the right of a citizen who, through no fault of his own, finds himself faced with another person's assault or unlawful use of force, he is not required to flee or retreat. Sometimes, retreat may be the wisest course of action but Georgia law imposes no duty upon her citizens to flee from criminal aggressors. 
What is often referred to as the "Castle Doctrine" is a law in both Georgia (and other states) that gives homeowners the right to defend themselves if an intruder enters their home. It is called the "Castle Law" because traditionally, citizens can consider their home as their castle, and they have the right to protect it. 

The Castle Doctrine does not give people cart blanche to shoot persons who come upon their property. It does stand for the precept that if someone forces his way into your home against your will you the law treats that as evidence of intent to commit a violent felony or otherwise endanger the homeowner's bodily safety. 
(706) 543-0002 706 543 0002
Athens Self Defense Lawyer
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